Introducing Freewheeling Kiwi Group Trips, a vision brought to life by the founder, Sharon Evans. 

“Fuelled by her passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration, Sharon gently encourages others to spend more time in nature and reconnect with the outdoors, wherever that might be and at whatever level they are comfortable with” 

The best things in life happen when we're outside our comfort zone and until we push our boundaries, we'll never know what we like or what we're capable of. Independent and self-supported travel is for all of us however sometimes knowing where to start, how to prepare or what to expect can be a little overwhelming. 

I’m devoted to providing you with more than simply inspiration, I’m here to help and encourage you on your way and now personally host Group Trips where you’ll experience first hand what it’s like to immerse yourself fully in nature.

Who the Trips are for

The Group Trips are aimed at those of you who would love the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, learn new skills, gain confidence and most importantly, make lifelong friends! Bring along an open mind, a positive mindset and of course, a sense of humour. 

Expect the unexpected as there’s one thing we don’t control, and that’s the weather. You’ll likely get wet, your hair will be a mess and there’ll be more than a little mud on your boots. 

I personally host the Group Trips and as one of the aims is to foster independence, like me, you’ll be carrying your own backpack, camping equipment and food supplies. Now’s the time to decide whether you really need to take that pillow!

Camping Destinations

My favourite campsites tend to be those which are well off the beaten track, beyond the end of a long and winding, gravel road. These locations are chosen for their stunning surrounds such as lakes, rivers, mountains or coast and are typically on conservation land. Facilities will be basic and depending on the trip, we may be backpacking in most things we need aside from running water and toilets which are likely to be some form of “long drops”.


To help you choose which Trip is most suited to your experience and abilities, check out the following categories, each level builds on the skills of the prior level.


The Introductory Getaways are for everyone wanting to hang out with Sharon and other like-minded people.

They’re particularly ideal for those who have limited or no recent backpacking or camping experience and want to explore whether this is something you enjoy while having fun in a supportive environment. Walks will be on walking tracks and suited to low to moderate fitness and abilities. There’ll be plenty of time at camp or lazying around a swimming hole and enjoying other local features. Accommodation will be accessed by vehicle then day trips will be made from this base.


This level will be attractive if you’ve either been on an Introductory Getaway or have had other introductory backpacking and camping experience. Hikes will be best for people moderate and above fitness. The track is generally well formed, some sections may be rough, muddy or steep and the major stream and river crossings are bridged. Accommodation (camp or hut) will be accessed by foot.


For the FWK Adventurer who wants to come on an Advanced Getaway, be prepared for backcountry conditions, plans to change on the hop, hiking days to be long and mountains to be high. This is where we get technical and really challenge those new found skills. Best for people with moderate to high level backcountry (remote areas) skills and experience, navigation and survival skills required. Track is mostly unformed, and may be rough and steep. Accommodation (camp or hut) will be accessed by foot.

Still Unsure?

To ensure you’re comfortable with your choice, when you submit your application to join a trip, we can discuss further what is best suited to you.

Freewheeling Kiwi Group Trips Newsletter

Hi and welcome to my website. I’m Sharon Evans and I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration.

I’m a professional storyteller here and on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with thousands of followers across my channels.