Frequently Asked Questions.
Below you’ll find some of my most frequently asked questions, including the “personal” stuff. If the answers aren’t below, you can Ask Me Anything travel related.
If you’d like to know more, make sure you follow along on my adventures on my social media channels
I believe in travel that is gentle, sustainable and ideally, slow. I like to immerse myself in the places I visit, living with local people and trying to understand what is important to them. I’m fascinated by the impact of our development on nature and how we can find a better balance.
For me, this kind of travel helps me make a small difference in the world as I am able to share my experiences with my community.
Yes, if you’re interested in joining as a partner and would like to find out more about brand integration or becoming a channel sponsor check out this page HERE
National and international travel has been a way of life, all my life. I was taken on my first overseas trip when I was about four months old and a few years later, my family moved to another country for work. New Zealand is a long way from anywhere else and if you want to enjoy different experiences , you need to make a commitment.
There are many different ways to travel and my preference is for slow travel, often hiking or biking, choosing more budget accommodation with plenty of camping or guesthouses. Where practical I’ll drive or use public transport. It’s this slow style of travel that gives me the best insight into real life in the different regions I visit and contributes the most towards sustainability in tourism.
Solo travel is a wonderful way to travel, for me it’s the best way to meet new people and totally immerse myself in another culture. Having said that, I also love to jump on adventures with other people and now lead GROUP TRIPS It really depends on where I’m going and what I’ll be doing, but I try to strike a healthy balance between the two.
I’m a content creator on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter and sometimes I partner up with trustworthy brands to help them elevate their products and services. From adventure travel consulting to creating original content and running my own channels, I’m always working on something.
As an individual, you can support me HERE and Brands can partner with me HERE
Firstly, never let your fear prevent you from fulfilling your dreams. As a female traveler you may feel it’s necessary to take more precautions than your male counterparts.
Precautions that I take include never sharing my location with anyone other than those I trust implicitly, projecting an air of confidence, getting to my accommodation (pitching the tent) before of dark, remaining sober and simply avoiding certain places. I’ve never had anything dangerous happen to me and I plan to keep it that way.
Not while I am travelling in New Zealand which is a paradise for outdoor adventures. Here, we have no dangerous predators and in fact, before the country was colonised by people, there were only birds and lizards
I am a one person production team and generally, I am the one doing all the filming. The use of a tripod makes all the difference as I’m able to set my camera up and then shift it as necessary.
On occasion, I’ll ask whoever else is around if they can hold the camera and whenever I see another solo traveller, I always offer to hold their camera too so they can get the ultimate selfie.
Risk, return, serendipity, conquering and failure;
Georg Simmel says it so well in “The Adventure”
Adventurer has the gesture of the conqueror
The quick seizure of opportunity
Yet also
The complete self abandonment to the powers and accidents of the world.
Which can delight us, but also in the same breath, destroy us
Trail name: Star ⭐️
Find Out More
About Sharon
I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration.
Regularly hosting Group Tours, I specialise in bringing likeminded people together to explore incredible destinations while engaging with and caring for our natural world.
I’m a professional storyteller on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with thousands of followers across my channels.
Group Trips
Freewheeling Kiwi Group Trips brings likeminded people together to explore incredible destinations while engaging with and caring for our natural world.
All Trips are hosted by our Freewheeling Kiwi founder, Sharon Evans, and are for those of you who would love the opportunity to immerse yourself in nature, learn new skills, gain confidence and most importantly, make lifelong friends!
Ask Me Anything
If you’ve found your way to this page, you’ve probably got plenty of unanswered questions and are looking for further information.
This is your opportunity to get answers to all those curly questions.
Go ahead and book a personalised video call with me and ask anything travel related.
Travel Resources
I’m asked daily for personalised travel and gear advise including what clothes I’m wearing, which are the best shoes for a long hike, what’s the best backpack or tent, where to stay and how to book accommodation, flights and activities.
Here's my recommendations for gear and companies I use while travelling and adventuring as a full time travel content creator.
Walking 3000 kilometres from Cape Reinga to Bluff
Te Araroa Blog
Daily updates direct from the Te Araroa Trail.
I created a video for each of the 133 day that it took me to walk Te Araroa. You’ll see the highlights as well as the lowlights. This is an authentic account of my experience walking New Zealand’s Long Trail
Te Araroa Preparation
How to prepare to hike Te Araroa, New Zealand’s Long Trail.
Videos showing the steps I took to prepare for my thru hike of Te Araroa, all the way from Cape Reinga, in the North Island all the way to Bluff at the bottom of the South Island
Te Araroa FAQ
Te Araroa FAQ
Here are my most frequently asked questions about Te Araroa, New Zealand’s Long Trail.
Sign up for my epic adventure newsletters
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Do you want free travel tips, inspiring stories and early access to my Group Trips? Sign up for my epic adventure newsletters.
Hi and welcome to my website. I’m Sharon Evans and I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration.
I’m a professional storyteller here and on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with many thousands of followers across my channels.
Join me as I share my authentic experiences from around the world 💚