Success Stories Form

Your Story Will Make An Impact!

Thank you for sharing your Success Story with the Freewheeling Kiwi Community. You’re personally helping to shape the narrative of who spends time in our beautiful outdoors, you’re influencing others in a positive way and lifting up our whole Freewheeling Kiwi Community. 

Please complete as much of the form below as feels right to you. The first two questions are “required” and the remaining questions are merely a prompt to help you to get your thoughts “down on paper”. At the bottom of the form is the option to share a photo to go with your story, this helps to create a personal connection with the Community.

Hi and welcome to my website. I’m Sharon Evans and I’ve a passion for travel that provides adventure, challenge, nature and inspiration.

I’m a professional storyteller here and on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Threads and TikTok with thousands of followers across my channels.