Success Stories

Your Story Can Make An Impact

Many of you have shared your stories privately with me, through direct messages, emails, phone and in person conversations. You are my inspiration and my superstars. Hearing the personal challenges you’ve overcome, how you felt before making a change, the positive transformation you’ve experienced and your outlook for the future are all inspirational. 

Now is your opportunity to share your Success Stories with the Freewheeling Kiwi Community so that in turn we may all be inspired by you. 

By sharing your story, you’ll help shape the narrative as to who spends time in our beautiful outdoors, you’ll influence others in a positive way and lift up our whole Freewheeling Kiwi Community. 

Your story will make an impact to the lives of others and this can only be good for us all. ❤︎

Who is this for?

Freewheeling Kiwi’s Community strength comes from the thousands of followers who just like you, have been inspired and then have taken action, one step at a time.

Telling YOUR story is a powerful tool to create change.

Whether you’re…

An Armchair Traveler

Who’s hit a very real challenge and would love to spend more time in nature, helping you to heal faster and lower your stress levels

A Solo Traveler

Who’s overcoming the doubts of heading into the great outdoors alone, eager to benefit from natures blessings and bypassing the sceptics completely

A First Time Explorer

With BIG goals and ambitions and is ready to take on the world, one adventure at a time

You’re in the right place

Your stories and willingness to share your stories will in turn inspire others to spend time in nature. 

For some of you, it may be the first time you’ve ventured out in years and are excited to have now walked to your local park. For others, it could be an overnight camp with the kids in the backyard. Yet again, you may have taken up bike riding having not been on a bike since you were a child.

There’s no right or wrong, this is not a competition, it’s about all of us sharing positive stories and shifting the dialogue so as to encourage everyone to get outdoors in whatever shape or form our adventures take us.

Will you share your story with the Freewheeling Community?